American Girl Kaya Mini Doll 25th

Released for AG’s 25th aniversary in 2011. The doll wears a miniature version of the Adorned Deerskin Dress and came with a miniature, abridged copy of the book Kaya's Hero, the third book of her series at the time. For the anniversary, a mini doll was released every month. Kay was released in July.
BrandAmerican Girl
SeriesHistorical Characters
ReleasedJuly 2011
Face MoldMini Kaya
Retail Price22.00 USD
Skin Color??
Eye ColorDark brown
Hair TypeBlack, straight
Hair StyleStyled in two braids with abalone shells
BrowsThick feathered
Product Description:
This special-edition mini doll is 6” tall and arrives wearing Kaya’s deerskin dress. Plus, she comes with a name sticker and Kaya’s Hero, an abridged miniature version of the book that tells her story of growing up with the Nez Perce in 1764. Only available until Dec. 31, 2011, or while supplies last.
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