Barbie 2001 Magic & Mystery Ken as the Sultan

Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector |
Label | Limited Edition |
Line | Magic & Mystery |
Set | Tales of the Arabian Nights Giftset |
Character | Ken |
Release Date | July 1, 2001 |
Designer(s) | N/A |
Face Sculpt | ©2000 Ken Arabian Sultan |
Body Sculpt | N/A |
Hair Type | Molded |
Height | 11.75″ |
Hair Color | Black |
Eye Color | Brown |
UPC | 074299508271 |
Mattel SKU | 50827 |
Price | $99.00 |
Other doll in Set | Barbie 2001 Magic and Mystery Barbie as Scheherazade |
“Barbie® doll and Ken® doll re-create the romantic legend of how Scheherazade brought peace to a troubled Sultan with 1001 nights of captivating stories. Barbie as Scheherazade is absolutely ravishing in a spectacularly patterned skirt, shimmering with golden trim. Her matching top is embellished with golden trim. She wears pink and blue scarves in her hair that spiral gracefully around her, adding an air of mystery. Ken as the Sultan is Barbie doll’s dashing companion. He wears a pink tunic with golden and turquoise trim over billowy golden pants. A blue and purple sash ties at his waist and serves as a place to rest his trusty sword. His colorful turban shines with a faux ruby and is topped with a golden plume.
Chair not included.” –

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