Barbie 2011 Barbie Basics Model No. 14 — Collection 002.5

Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector |
Label | Black |
Line | Barbie Basics |
Release Date | August 11, 2011 |
Designer(s) | Bill Greening |
Face Sculpt | ©2009 Glimmer/Louboutin |
Body Sculpt | Articulated Model Muse |
Hair Type | N/A |
Height | 11.5″ |
Hair Color | Platinum Blonde |
Eye Color | Blue |
UPC | 027084933741 |
Mattel SKU | T7916 |
Price | $19.95 USD |
“Every wardrobe can use a refresh! It’s time to spice up that denim with some nighttime sparkle!
Model No. 14 is sensational in silver with the Glimmer face sculpt and an articulated body. She styles her off-the-shoulder silver top with skinny jeans and matching jewelry, and steps into silver peep-toe platforms. Her long blonde hair, red lips and smoky eyes are perfect for a night on the town!” –

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