14 thoughts on “G3 Lagoona makeover”

  1. the colors in lagoona’s hair are so pretty and the braids are perfect to show them off! and the extra scales you added are adorable, very sweet and reminiscent of rainbow fish to me haha

    1. I pierced through the lip with a straight pin. (G3 MH heads are pretty squishy, so this isn’t too hard), then used jewelry pliers to open up the circle/loop head on a jewelry pin (I don’t know exactly what they’re called, but they’re used for making earrings and things). I cut off the end of that pin to make it the right length, and then stabbed it through the hole I made with the straight pin. You can use small pliers to wriggle it into place!

  2. braids always look SO cute on lagoona! you’re really brave for adding more scales, i’d be terrified to accidentally mess up, but you know what! it looks cute. the fish hook piercing idea is just brilliant

    1. I was definitely scared to do stuff to her face! But it’s just acrylic paint and not sealed or anything; I figured i could get it off pretty easily if need be.

      I’m glad you like the fish hook! It really made the look come together , imo 🙂

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