Bratz Lets Talk Cloe

Character Cloe
Brand Bratz
Series Let’s Talk
Release year 2010
Company MGA
Retail price $34.99
Head sculpt Open Mouth
Body type 2010 Let’s Talk Body (Party body upscaled to 12 inches)
Hair type Saran

Ever wish your Bratz™ could talk back? Now she can with our Bratz Talking Doll. Bratz™ chat can talk, ask questions, and understand your answers. She plays games and gossips like a real BFF. It’s tons of fun till the party’s done!

  • First ever fully-articulated 12 inch Bratz doll
  • Awesome voice recognition lets you answer your Bratz doll’s questions
  • Tons of games and activities
  • Ask questions, share secrets, take quizzes, and hear your future!
Collect item (13)

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Voice quotes:

NOTE: This list is incomplete and based on what’s documented online. Both the Cloe and Yasmin dolls in this line feature the same quotes.


  • “Hi! It’s so good to see you. I really need to talk.”
  • “Hey hey, I’ve got so much to tell you! Let’s do something fun.”
  • “Hey girl, how’s it goin?”
  • “Did you miss me?” (after period of inactivity)

Fortune telling:

  • “Want me to tell your fortune?” (optional intro line)
  • “I’m super psychic. Want me to prove it? Ask me a yes or no question about the future.”
    • “Totally!” (response)
    • “Anything’s possible!” (response)
    • “It’s a girlfriend’s guarantee!” (response)

Personality quiz:

  • “Would you like to take a personality quiz?”
    • “Can you be a good friend but still give a girl room to breathe? Lemme ask you a few questions to find out. When a BFF calls you at the last minute to hang out, do you: drop everything and cancel your plans to make it work; quickly check your phone calendar to make sure your night is clear; call her back later, if nothing else comes up. Drop everything, check your phone calendar, or call her back later?”
    • “Can I ask you some more questions?”
      • “Here goes: perfect pal! You know when she needs you, but you also know when to back off and let her deal with things herself. The two of you are a lot alike, but you also love sharing your differences. You’re the kinda girl anyone would wanna call a BFF!”

Destiny quiz:

  • “Wanna find out if you’ll land your dream job or dream guy? I know how to find out. Okay, first give the name of one of your favourite fruits: apple, grape, peach or banana. ”
    • “Cool! Now pick a colour: blue, green, red or yellow?”
      • “Alright, last step. Now, choose a place. Do you want: the mall, the beach, home or school?”
        • “Here goes… your future!” (optional intro line)
        • “Okay, here’s your secret destiny!” (optional intro line)
        • “You’ll become a farmer and grow a world-record breaking pumpkin!”
        • “You’ll become a teacher and marry the school principal in the cafeteria!”
        • “You’ll design a high-fashion line of clothing made of all-recycled materials!”

Transitional dialogue:

  • “Are you bored with this?”

Lack of understanding:

  • “Huh? Say that one more time.”
  • “I zoned out for a second. Sorry, say that again.”
  • “I don’t speak mumble! Can you try that again?”


  • “Did you have to run? That’s cool, we can talk again soon.”
  • “Let’s hang out later! I so need a nap.”


  • “What’s up? I love sleepovers because that’s where I get all the juiciest gossip. You ready to share?” (intro line)
  • “I wanna share secrets! Can I ask you some questions?” (intro line)
  • “Okay, now be totally honest with me…” (starter)
  • “Ready to tell the truth no matter what? Let’s find out…” (starter)
  • “I just gotta know…” (starter)
  • “Ready to share your deepest secrets?” (starter)
  • “Have you ever lied about something just to impress your friends?”
    • “I did once, but I knew it was really stupid.” (yes or no)
    • “Have you ever thought about it?” (no)
      • “Good for you. Keep on bein’ real!”(no)
  • “Would you ever wear an outfit you thought was really cool but you knew your friends hated?”
    • “That’s awesome, you are a total rebel!” (yes)
    • “That takes some serious guts. You rock!” (yes)
  • “Have you ever broken your promise to keep a secret?”
    • “Yeah, me too. Secrets are so hard to keep.” (yes)
    • “I did that once too. Did you ever tell your friend that you were the one who blabbed?”(yes)
      • “Good for you! I’m sure she forgave you once you told her the truth.” (yes)
    • “That’s awesome!” (no)
  • “Would you ever hang with a boy who doesn’t like your friends?”
    • “Really? I wouldn’t. If you don’t like my girls, you’re outta here!” (yes)
    • “Wow, your secret is safe with me.” (yes)
    • “Yeah, me too. Boys come and go, but friends are there forever!” (no)
    • “Me neither. If you don’t like my friends, you’re outta here!” (no)
  • “Would you cut your hair super short for a million dollars?”
    • “Me too. It’s just hair! You could buy some more with all those bucks.” (yes)
    • “That’s so cool, you’re crazy!” (yes)
    • “Totally. You rock any look!” (yes)
  • “If you were forced to give up one of your favourite things, what would you choose – clothes, your phone, or your music player?”
    • “Totally. I could even make a garbage bag look stylin’!” (clothes)
    • “Me too. I like talking face to face better anyway.” (phone)
    • “Me too. There’s always humming!” (music player)
  • “Whose advice do you trust more – your parents or your friends?”
    • “Me too, they totally know what’s up.” (parents)
  • “Who do you sent texts to most often: your best friend, a boy or your parents?”
    • “Me too. We text each other when we’re bored out of our minds!” (boy)
  • “Would you call yourself beautiful in front of other people?”
    • “Are you afraid they’d think you’re stuck-up?” (no)
      • “I guess it depends on how you say it.” (yes)
  • “Have you ever cheated on a test at school?”
    • “Right on, girl! It’s so not worth it.” (no)
  • “Would you ever eat a snail?”
    • “Thank goodness, that’s crazy!” (no)
  • “Would you rather have one thousand okay friends or one best friend?”
    • “Me too! Best friends are so important.” (one best friend)
  • “Have you ever introduced a friend by the wrong name?”
    • “Phew!” (no)
  • “Have you ever hung out with a boy?”
    • “Cool! Who was he?” (yes)
      • “Nice!”
  • “Would you ever tell a friend she looks good in an outfit when she doesn’t?”
    • “I did. I was scared to hurt her feelings.” (no)
  • Have you ever travelled out of the country?”
    • “If you could, where would you go?” (no)
      • “Wow, take me with you when you go!”
  • “Do horror movies scare you?”
    • “Me neither! I love all the ??? and screaming.” (no)
  • “Have you ever cried out loud at the movie theatre?”
    • “Really? Which one?” (yes)
      • “Me too.”
  • “Have you ever fallen asleep in class?”
    • “That’s good. You could get totally busted!” (No)
  • “If you could have one super power, would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?”
    • “Not me. I’d be invisible!” (fly)
  • “Would you ever eat food off the floor?”
    • “Me too. Five second rule.” (yes)
  • “Would you ever be the first one to start dancing at a party?”
    • “Me neither, but I wanna try it just once to see what happens!” (no)
  • “What scares you most: spiders, ghosts or homework?”
    • “Not me. They’re way too small to scare me!” (spiders)
  • “Have you ever been grounded?”
    • “Really? I haven’t. Was it boring?” (yes)
      • “I bet. I try so hard to stay out of trouble now cause I hated it so much.” (yes)
  • “Have you ever pretended to be sick so you can stay home from school?”
    • “Me too, but it totally didn’t work.” (yes)
  • “If you could live in another time, would you?”
    • “Really? Would you go to the future or the past?” (yes)

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