
Welcome to the social section of Dollect. Use of social features on the site indicates your agreement with the site rules, terms of service and privacy policy.
There are so many ways to get involved with our wonderful “Dollect network”!
The Activity Feed will show you what other members have been up to.
The Members List will show you all of the members of the site- try making some new friends!
The User Groups section will show you groups available to join! If you want to start your own group click the “Create a Group” button.
The forum section is where you can find the forum and participate in discussions or start your own!
If you’d like to join our Discord community please check our Twitter

Editing your user profile

Below is a tutorial on how to edit your user profile including your profile picture, cover photo, profile gallery and “about me” section!
There is also a Google doc explaining this: Click here to see it!
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