6 thoughts on “How I feel about the series of Shadow High now”

  1. I rarely collect shadow high because I’m a pastel rainbow kind of girl but I got Zooey Electra because I thought the fantasy skin tone was so cute with the alien theme. I just got Berrie Skies yesterday and omg she’s amazing!

  2. I completely understand your thoughts on S3 of Shadow High! I convinced myself I wasn’t getting any as I already had Heather from S1, Veronica, and Karla from S2. Then I fell in love with the little “gamer girl parody” that is Pinkie James and now have her. But I agree…the rest, while improved faces, still feel bland. I don’t want them to become fully colored, I loved the black and white or grey scale from the first doll set!

  3. I have half of SHS1, Ash was my first ( I love boy dolls), then I saw a ton of pictures of Nicole in soft pink and I was sold on her too. I got Heather to steal her eyes, but I ended up keeping her as she is. Now I am keeping an eye out for good prices on the other 3.
    SHS2 was hit or miss for me, Rex was the first doll i bought and he is Stunning in person ( he convinced me that I wanted Chanelle). I saw Glitch in the store and it was instant love. I got home and realized she has the same face mold as Simone, my absolute favorite doll in the whole franchise). Picked up Zooey on deep sale and haven’t regretted it (she looks awesome in pale pink too). I’m surprised I don’t like the purple girls, purple is my favorite color, but it is what it is. I really dislike Karl Lagerfeld, so Karla was a no go for me.
    SHS3 – is not working for me. I got Oliver ( he looks beautiful with his hair down). But none of the other dolls do much for me. I’m kinda interested in Scarlet’s base doll, but her clothes are a grave disappointment to me. The rest of the dolls don’t appeal to me (maybe when I see some restyles, I might get more interested in them)

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