Barbie 1996 Great Eras Victorian Lady

Company Mattel
Brand Barbie
Type Collector
Label Collector Edition
Line Great Eras
Character Barbie
Release Date 1/1/1996
Designer(s) N/A
Face Sculpt ©1976 SuperStar
Body Sculpt TNT with two straight arms
Hair Type N/A
Height 11.5″
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Grey
Eyelashes Rooted
UPC 074299149009
Mattel SKU 14900
Price ?
Collect item (16)

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Product description

It was a time when dainty ladies wore velvet and lace, and never had a hair out of place. Meet Victorian Lady Barbie® doll from The Great Eras® Collection. She’s dressed in an authentic velvety Victorian gown, with loads of ivory lace and an elegant bustle. Lovely mauve rosettes accent each side of her rich burgundy dress. Her long, dark hair is braided in the back and styled into a demure Victorian up-do. From her long, rooted eyelashes to her marabou headpiece this Collector Edition doll is a picture of Victorian propriety.” —

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