Barbie 1997 Great Eras Chinese Empress

Company Mattel
Brand Barbie
Type Collector
Label Collector Edition
Line Great Eras
Character Barbie
Release Date 1/1/1997
Designer(s) N/A
Face Sculpt 1985 Diva Midge
Body Sculpt TNT with two straight arms
Hair Type N/A
Height 11.5″
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Eyelashes Rooted
UPC 074299167089
Mattel SKU 16708
Price ?
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Product description

Another triumph from the Great Eras® Collection, Chinese Empress Barbie® doll’s costume captures the authentic look and feel of the Qing dynasty. From her hat, to her elaborate jacket, emblazoned with 2 dragons, to her mandarin collar jacquard dress, each piece has been recreated to match the look and feel of the period. Chinese Empress Barbie® doll wears red slippers fitted over molded platforms, also typical of that age. Her jewelry is faux jade. She wears faux jade drop earrings and one “jade” and one golden necklace, the Chao Zhu, whose lengths also indicated her rank. The overall effect is a stunningly intricate costume that every collector will treasure.” —

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