Headmistress Bloodgood
Daughter of the Headless Horseman
I always want to encourage my students to be yourself, be unique, be a monster.
Age: Wise enough to be your grandmother-young enough to be your sister.
Freaky Flaw: A lady does not disclose such things in public. Although I must confess that sometimes my head and body find themselves in separate locations.
Favorite Food: Fresh scones with marmalade and a cup of tea. Delightful.
Favorite Activity: I love bringing together monsters from different cultures and backgrounds and watching them discover that their commonalities far outweigh their differences.
Killer Style: Sable cape, high-collared blouse, riding boots, yard stick, and a book on grammar.
Pet: Nightmare is my horse and constant companion. Although her nervous demeanor belies her rather intimidating name, she is almost always ready to charge into any situation at a moments notice…almost.
Pet Peeve: Young monsters that presume they have nothing left to learn. It is distasteful to see such narrow-mindedness in the young.