Lil’ Fairy

Lil’ Fairy is a doll line created by the Japanese doll company Azone International in December 2013, utilizing Azone’s 1/12th scale Picconeemo D body. Azone introduced the story behind these dolls on their site by saying: ”It’s about Lil’ Fairies that no one knows about. A story about a small, small world.”

The characters of this doll line are small fairies that help people with their daily chores, each according to their talent. The fairies work for the Primure Fairy Association, an agency that serves as a link between Lil’ Fairies and people.


The cast currently features 21 unique characters, click on their names to view the dolls that have been produced for each character. They are listed in order of appearance, from the oldest to the most recent.


Official imagery

Images posted here are official promotional/stock images created for Lil’ Fairy!

User submitted content

These posts were uploaded by users of the site! If there’s nothing here then no images have been uploaded yet. Please note that these posts (including images) are the intellectual property of those who posted them and they are not for free use unless stated in the post description! Clicking the images or their titles will take you to a separate page with the information about the photo.


Official videos

Videos shown here are advertisements, company-created reviews and reviews by toy reviewing associations.

User Submitted Videos

Review videos of the Lil’ Fairy dolls will be posted here. If you’d like your review featured please contact us if you’d like to request placement. We reserve the right for ANY reason to ignore or deny requests for placement on the site. As these videos are hosted off-site and are not created by Dollect, viewer discretion is advised. We are not responsible for the content of the videos.

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