Barbie 2009 Barbie Basics Model No. 09 — Collection 001

Company Mattel
Brand Barbie
Type Collector
Label Black
Line Barbie Basics
Release Date November 19, 2009
Designer(s) Bill Greening
Face Sculpt ©1985 Diva/Midge
Body Sculpt Model Muse
Hair Type N/A
Height 11.5″
Hair Color Platinum Blonde
Eye Color Blue
UPC 027084863697
Mattel SKU R9922
Price $19.95 USD
Collect item (9)

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“Customize. Personalize. Play.

The little black dress just met its match — Barbie®! Sleek and sophisticated, each Barbie Basics™ doll wears a stylish little black dress, and features a beloved Barbie face sculpt.

Model No. 09 features the Diva face sculpt, a retro-inspired cocktail dress, and super chic platinum blond bob with bangs.” –

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