Barbie 2010 Barbie Basics Model No. 03 — Collection 001.5

Company Mattel
Brand Barbie
Type Collector
Label Black
Line Barbie Basics
Release Date June 17, 2010
Designer(s) Bill Greening
Face Sculpt ©1971 Steffie
Body Sculpt Model Muse
Hair Type N/A
Height 11.5″
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Brown
UPC 027084880786
Mattel SKU T2163
Price $19.95 USD
Collect item (17)

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The little black dress gets all the more chic with hot pink accents in this fall collection from the Barbie Basics™ doll line. Model No. 03 makes a stunning redhead! Her sleeveless black dress with sweetheart neckline, ruffles at waist and pink belt cinching are absolutely eye-catching!” –

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