8 thoughts on “Yall is she wonky? Should I keep her”

  1. She is slightly wonky, she definitely has her left eye a bit higher than the right one (and a bit smaller too??) but I don’t think it’s… disturbing? If it bother you you shouldn’t keep her, but otherwise it’s pretty fine ☺️

      1. Yeah it’s not worth the risk ? Honestly I feel like a bit of wonk is good sometimes, it makes your doll feel more unique and different than everyone else’s ^^

  2. she looks slightly wonky to me, so if it’ll drive you nuts, you could swap her. mine is a little wonky but it doesn’t bother me so it’s really up to you. personally, if it’s not very noticeable to me, i don’t mind. who isn’t a little wonky amiright ?

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