Hi All! I recently bought a Rainbow High lot with many clothes mixed up; after sorting through the lot, I was left with a few items I could not identify even after looking through my Rainbow High database. Please let me know if anyone knows the dolls/lines these items are from! 🙂

I think the shirt is from a Mandy Moore doll from 2000, the bag could be from Mini Brands Fashion Series 1, the necklace looks like the one from Sabrina St. Cloud (maybe it came with some other RH dolls too?) and the white piece seems to have come with Winter Break Violet. The skirt looks like the Bratzillaz fashion pack for Meygana, called “True Blue Style”. I hope this helps! 🙂
I think the skirt is actually from a Bratz doll but I’m not sure which one.
Yeah, it could definately be! I’m not sure about that piece… you can’t tell what kind of doll it would fit from the picture, so maybe it’s too small to be Bratzillaz. 🙂