Curls Poppin’ launches new doll line

Hair care brand Curls Poppin’ is branching out into the doll world.

At New York Toy Fair, we were introduced to Curls Poppin’ Dolls. These are currently available on their website. They are also available at bookstores for HBCUs like Spelman and Morehouse due to having a license with them. They also have a license with the sorority Delta Sigma Theta.

While they have many parts sourced from elsewhere for launch, they are planning for the brand to feature more clothes unique to the brand as time goes on. They are also working on their own proprietary face sculpts. The main focus of the brand is representation of textured hairstyles, with each doll having curly, high quality, nylon hair. 

For more information, check out their website as well as their social media (Instagram and TikTok).

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