Doll Description
World-famous designer Bob Mackie has designed a series of dolls celebrating the beauty, glamour and brilliance of jewels. Here, Sapphire Splendor Barbie weaves her spell in rich blue velvet and satin. Cool and elegant, her eyes deep as pools, she is exquisite in her sparkling headdress and sweeping gown with clear blue crystal rhinestones. The stones are beautiful Swarovski crystals. It’s yet another glorious triumph for Bob Mackie.
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | Jewel Essence |
Label | Gold Label Barbies |
Release Date | 1997 |
Designer(s) | Bob Mackie |
Face Sculpt | Kira/Marina |
Body Sculpt | Shani |
Price | ???? |
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