American Girl Kaya’s Jingle Dress of Today I

Item TypeOutfit
BrandAmerican Girl
SeriesHistorical Characters
Retail Price28.00 USD
Product Description:
Kaya’s stories take place long ago, but the Nez Perce people are still a proud, strong culture today. Like other American children, Nez Perce children go to school, play sports, and watch TV. But they also learn the Nez Perce language, play traditional Indian games, and dress in beautiful clothing for pow-wows.

If Kaya lived in modern times, she might work with her mother or aunt to make a colorful dress like this one to wear when she dances at pow-wows. Originally made from tobacco can lids, the cone-shaped “jingles” on this dress make a beautiful sound during pow-wow dances. Fringed moccasins, a ribbon belt, hair ribbons, and a kerchief with a beaded rosette complete the outfit.
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