American Girl Kaya’s Meet Outfit

Outfit that the doll arrives wearing. There was no major change to Kaya’s Meet Outfit after the Beforever rebrand.
Item TypeOutfit
Book/MovieMeet Kaya
BrandAmerican Girl
SeriesHistorical Characters
Retail Price115.00 USD (with doll)
Product Description:
Daring Kaya™ has lifelike deep-brown eyes that open and close smoothly, and realistic long, shiny black hair. She comes in an authentic 1764-style Nez Perce outfit:

A soft faux-deerskin dress tied with a faux-leather belt and trimmed with fringes, beads, and pretend quillwork, plus a dark spot at the chest to represent the deer’s tail

Matching moccasins with ties

Faux-leather hair ties at the bottom of her braids and faux-shell hair ties at the top
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