Agatha Primrose is a doll line released by Tonner in 2016. Agatha is 13 inches tall with painted eyes and 14 points of articulation. Some dolls have rooted hair while others wear non-removable wigs.

Description from the defunct Tonner website:

“From the artistic to the technological, from fashion to fiction to science, Agatha Primrose loves the experiences that her life brings. Whether obsessing over Dr. Who’s TARDIS, Hermione’s Time Turner or Doc’s DeLorean, figuring out the recipe for Katniss’ District Four bread, and of course, trying to find a believable female character for her gaming fixation, Agatha is on a fact-finding mission and it’s all for her personal knowledge. You’ll find her wearing the perfect handmade costume at Comic-Con, testing the latest gadgets at the tech store and nose deep in books with places to which she hopes to travel.”


Basic Chestnut
Collect item (13)

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Basic Brown Sugar
Collect item (5)

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A Touch of Anime
Collect item (18)

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Want to Dance?
Collect item (6)

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Yoyo Mode
Collect item (14)

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Tech Savvy Agatha
Collect item (18)

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A Brisk Day
Collect item (14)

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Comic Con Alice
Collect item (24)

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Agatha's Internship
Collect item (12)

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Agatha's Shopping Date
Collect item (7)

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Official videos

User submitted videos

Review videos of the Agatha Primrose dolls will be posted here. If you’d like your review featured please contact us if you’d like to request placement. We reserve the right for ANY reason to ignore or deny requests for placement on the site. As these videos are hosted off-site and are not created by Dollect, viewer discretion is advised. We are not responsible for the content of the videos.

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