American Girl Kaya’s Adorned Deerskin Dress

Also called “Kaya’s Deerskin Outfit.” It was modified in 2013, the three rows of beads across the top of the dress were replaced with three rows of embroidery in the same colors. This was around the same time as the name change.
The 25th and 30th Anniversary Kaya mini dolls both wear a miniaturized version of this outfit.
Item TypeOutfit
BrandAmerican Girl
SeriesHistorical Characters
Retail Price32.00 USD
Product Description:
Kaya wears a fringed deerskin dress decorated with embroidery, faux elk’s teeth, and trade beads for special occasions. The more successful the hunters in her family, the more teeth she could add to her outfit. This special outfit features:

A fringed, faux-deerskin dress that’s trimmed with colorful embroidery, trade beads, and pretend elk’s teeth

Matching light tan moccasins with self-tie closures

A belt with a woven design
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