American Girl Kaya’s Bedroll and Shield

The bedroll was combined with Kaya's Tepee in 2014 and sold as Kaya's Tepee and Bedroll.
Item TypeFurnature
BrandAmerican Girl
SeriesHistorical Characters
Retail Price32.00 USD
Product Description:
Kaya’s whole family, including her grandparents, Aalah and Kalutsu, sleeps together in one tepee. When night falls, settle her down on her own bedroll for a good night’s sleep with this set that includes:

Large faux buffalo and elk hides for warmth

A tule mat that goes on the bottom to keep her dry

A soft, furry pillow

A decorative shield with faux-leather stitching and bead accents that hangs on the outside of her tepee to show who lives there
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