American Girl Kaya’s Food

The berries were be modified in 2007. This is because originally, they were separate magnets and could pose a choking hazard for young children. They update had the huckleberries molded as a pile. The original set is pictured on the right, and the modified version is pictured on the left.
Item TypeAccessories
Book/MovieKaya Shows the Way
BrandAmerican Girl
SeriesHistorical Characters
Released 2002
Retail Price28.00 USD
Product Description:
While the men were off hunting, the main job of gathering and preparing food in Kaya’s Nez Perce village fell to the women. As they traveled to new places with the seasons, the women dried and prepared salmon and camas root, so the tribe would always have enough. Help Kaya prepare a meal with this set that includes:

A woven basket with a colorful carrying strap used for gathering food

A variety of pretend foods including berries, camas roots, dried salmon, and mashed camas to make into finger cakes

Pretend huckleberry branches to cover the food for safekeeping

A faux horn bowl to prepare foods and a tule mat for serving
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