American Girl Tatlo and Travois

Also sold as Kaya’s Dog, Tatlo and Travois and Kaya’s Dog, Tatlo & Gear.
Item TypeAnimal
Book/MovieAmerican Girl Kaya and the Lone Dog
BrandAmerican Girl
SeriesHistorical Characters
Released 2002
Retail Price36.00 USD
Product Description:
In Kaya’s day, dogs were both companions and workers, responsible for guarding the camp. When her family reaches the Palouse Prairie, Kaya meets Lone Dog and her puppy, whom she names Tatlo, or ground squirrel. His set includes:

A plush brown dog

An authentically designed travois, a woven frame used to pull heavy loads, that you can attach to Tatlo with a faux leather strap or use on its own

A soft, furry blanket to cushion Tatlo’s back when he uses the travois
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