American Girl Kaya’s Trading Feast and Tule Mat

Rerelease of Kaya's Food, which was retired in 2016
Item TypeOutfit
BrandAmerican Girl
SeriesHistorical Characters
Released 2019
Retail Price48.00
Product Description:
After a day of trading with other tribes, Kaya and the Nez Perce sit down to feast. This set includes:

A real woven cornhusk basket with decorative woven shoulder strap for carrying food

A thatched tule mat made of wooden reeds to place the food on

A faux etched-horn bowl for serving

A bunch of camas roots, a staple for the Nez Perce people, that could be baked and then mashed or ground into meal to make
dough for cakes

A handful of dark blue huckleberries, a food that Kaya loves to snack on and could be eaten fresh or dried

Three strips of dried salmon, a tasty treat that Kaya helped to clean, cut, and dry

A mashed camas root

Four delicious fingers cakes made of ground camas roots

A set of huckleberry branches to cover the food in the basket
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