Character | Marisol |
Pet | Paco |
Brand | BackPets |
Release date | 2017 |
Company | Tree House Kids |
Body | 5 points of articulation |
Hair Type | ? |
She is from Sydney, Australia. She loves to go to the zoo to learn about animals. HeBorn in San Juan, Puerto Rico between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Marisol has grown up between the colonial brightly colored buildings of Old San Juan to the rainforest greens and waterfalls to the blue green transparent ocean. Marisol wants to be a singer when she grows up.r family owns a sheep farm outside of Sydney. She loves to help out at the farm. She is very energetic and loves to tell jokes.
Marisol loves Puerto Rico, but her favorite thing in the whole world is Paco, her little Coquì frog. Coquìs are unique; they love to sing, but only in their native land. If they are taken from the island, their singing stops. Paco loves to sing for Marisol, she belongs to him like he belongs to her. Her family can always find her when Marisol and Paco sing together.
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