Barbie United Colors of Benetton Christie

Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | United Colors of Benetton |
Character | Christie |
Release Date | 1990 |
Face Sculpt | 1987 Christie Facemold |
Body | 6 points of articulation |
Hair Type | ? |
Height | 11.5″ |
Hair Color | Brown |
Eye Color | Brown |
UPC | 074299094071 |
Mattel SKU | 9407 |
Retail Price | $13,99 |
NEW! Vibrant colors! Bold prints! Beautiful accessories! Barbie and her friends are the only fashion dolls to model original, colorful, and contemporary styles. Barbie, Marina and Christie dolls each wear fabulous Benetton fashions that have more than seven beautifully detailed fashion pieces girls can layer and mix ‘n match to create lots of fantastic back-to-school looks.
NEW! Now girls can dress Barbie and her friends in Benetton fashions, similar to the ones they see in Benetton stores around the world. Six trendy fashions include five bold new looks for Barbie doll and friends, and one hot-looking style for Ken doll.

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