Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector |
Label | Collector Edition |
Line | Great Eras |
Character | Barbie |
Release Date | 1/1/1994 |
Designer(s) | Carol Spencer |
Face Sculpt | ©1976 SuperStar |
Body Sculpt | TNT with two straight arms |
Hair Type | N/A |
Height | 11.5″ |
Hair Color | Black |
Eye Color | Brown |
Eyelashes | Rooted |
UPC | 074299113970 |
Mattel SKU | 11397 |
Price | ? |
Product description
“From The Great Eras® Collection, Barbie® doll is an Egyptian queen in this royal costume capturing the essence of Egypt’s Golden Age. She wears a dress including a white pleated skirt with golden trim, blue and golden front panel and flowing turquoise cape with golden edging. An intricately detailed golden headdress with turquoise beading reflects that she is indeed Egyptian royalty.” — barbiecollectibles.com

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