Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Limited Edition |
Line | Enchanted Seasons Collection |
Release Date | 1995 |
Price | ??? |
Designer(s) | ??? |
Face Sculpt | 1976 Superstar |
Body Sculpt | ??? |
Hair Type | ??? |
Hair Color | Blonde |
Eye Color | Green |
SKU | #12989 |
UPC | 074299129896 |
Front of the Box, Back of the Box and Official Description:
Like perfume and silk
Blossoms open and rise
Flaunting their beauty
With spring in their eyes
After winter’s quietude, a miracle begins. Fragile shoots of green grow into delicate buds and open their pretty petals to the beauty of Spring. From a fragrant field of blossoms, Spring Bouquet Barbie shimmers like an Impressionist masterpiece, her gown a garden of floral delight. Her charming picture hat and dainty basket of flowers proclaim her Queen of the May, gently banishing the chill of winter with the renewing touch of Spring.
Enchanted Seasons Collection – Spring Edition
Second in a series of Barbie dolls that celebrate the special beauty of each season of the year.
What better way to herald the coming of spring than with the beautiful Spring Bouquet Barbie doll from the Enchanted Seasons Collection. Sheltered from the sun in her wide-brimmed pink hat with pastel blue trim, Barbie’s ready for a day of fun. Her cascading blond hair and flowing pastel floral print dress make Barbie as lovely as the hand-picked flowers in her white basket.
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