Barbie 1995 Flying Hero

Flying Hero Barbie

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Flying Hero Barbie AA

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Flying Hero Kira

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Flying Hero Teresa

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One day Barbie discovered she had magical powers “to fly” and super human strength to protect and defend the world from harm. Together with her heroic friends and Flying Hero horse, this team is ready for action! Activate power pack for lights & sound! With their Bend and Move bodies, you can make Flying Hero Barbie, Teresa, and Kira do powerful karate chops and leg kicks! Collect the whole Flying Hero Barbie team! Dolls and horse each sold separately, subject to availability.

The Flying Hero line was released by Mattel in 1995 with four dolls: a white variant and an African American variant of Barbie, Kira, and Teresa. This line included a battery pack that would light up and provide sound effects to the costumes of each doll. The concept of Barbie and her friends as superheroes appeared in a short Marvel Comic, included with each doll.

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