Barbie 1996 Enchanted Seasons Autumn Glory

TypeLimited Edition
LineEnchanted Seasons Collection
Release Date1996
Face Sculpt1976 Superstar
Body Sculpt???
Hair Type???
Hair ColorRed, Brown, Auburn
Eye ColorHazel, Brown
Collect item (18)

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Front of the Box, Back of the Box and Official Description:

Blazing with color
Leaves dance in the wind
Laughing and whirling
As Autumn begins

Ah, Autumn. Invigorating, filled with energy! Crisp, cool winds make leaves dance, turning them crimson, scarlet, and bronze, blazing the hills with color.
From a field rich in harvest, Autumn Glory Barbie appears, aglow in autumn’s fiery colors, her chiffon gown catching the wind.
Delicate leaves and pinecones, tiny clusters of grapes and a giant feather proclaim her Harvest Queen.
It is time to celebrate the season in all its glory.

Third in a series of Barbie dolls that celebrate the special beauty of each season of the year.

She’s a doll as magical as the seasons of your childhood. Meet Autumn Glory Barbie doll from the Enchanted Seasons Collection. Her long, chiffon gown shimmers in hues of copper and auburn. Adorned with fall leaves and accented with hints of purple and gold, her gown flows around her like an autumn breeze. The fitted, metallic appliquéd bodice glitters like sunshine dancing through the trees, and even her earrings are shaped like graceful golden leaves. Her long, auburn hair falls gently past her shoulders, and a dark, wine colored hat, embellished with feathers and leaves, adds the final touch to this wondrous autumn portrait.

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