Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Limited Edition |
Line | Barbie FAO Schwarz Floral Signature Collection |
Exclusivity | FAO Schwarz |
Release Date | 1996 |
Price | ??? |
Designer(s) | ??? |
Face Sculpt | 1991 Mackie |
Body Sculpt | ??? |
Hair Type | ??? |
Hair Color | Brown |
Eye Color | Green |
SKU | #15814 |
UPC | 074299158148 |
Official Description:
Antique Rose™ Barbie®, the first doll in the exclusive Limited Edition FAO Schwarz Floral Signature Collection wears a satin ball gown colored with a delicate antique rose blush. Rosebuds of varying shapes and sizes adorn her lavish skirt. Like the petals of a rose, her underskirt consists of satin with an overlay of delicate tulle, studded with tiny beads. A sheer ivory shawl wraps around her lovely shoulders and her brunette hair is styled in a stunning up-do that dramatically sets off her pale, beautiful skin. Elaborate detailing, stunning jewelry and luxurious fabrics make this flower one you’re sure to pick.
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