Barbie 1996 Great Eras Grecian Goddess

LabelCollector Edition
LineGreat Eras
Release Date1/1/1996
Designer(s)Carol Spencer
Face Sculpt©1976 SuperStar
Body SculptTNT with two straight arms
Hair TypeN/A
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorPurple
Mattel SKU15005
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Product description

Protector of Ancient Athens. Goddess of wisdom. Beautiful beyond words. Meet Grecian Goddess Barbie® doll from The Great Eras® Collection. This Collector Edition doll, fashioned after the goddess Athena, wears a white pleated tunic, decorated with golden laurel leaves, and cinched at the waist. A royal purple cloak adds contrast and color to this ravishing beauty. Her hair is charmingly styled in clusters of blonde ringlets around her face and gathered into one curled ponytail. From her iridescent sandals to her elaborate headdress and long rooted eyelashes, she’s definitely the high priestess of fashion.” —

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