Barbie 1997 Artists Series Water Lily

TypeLimited Edition
LineArtists Series
Release Date1997
Face SculptBob Mackie
Body SculptTwist n Turn, Shani arms
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBlonde, Blue
Eye ColorBlue
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Back of the Box and Official Description:

In blues and greens and glorious pinks, Barbie looks as if she just stepped from a painting by Claude Monet. Beautiful and romantic, she is a reflection of another time, another world filled with beauty and light.
This world is reflected in the extraordinary paintings of Claude Monet, which can be seen in museums throughout the world. An avid gardener, Monet spent hours creating his flower and water lily gardens, employing his color schemes and use of light just as he did in his paintings. Often painting outdoors, Monet believed that nature was the source of his inspiration.
Born in France in 1840, Monet displayed an early natural talent. Rejecting traditional artistic styles, he defied critics of the day and became a leader in the impressionist movement. Monet’s vision and talent continue to inspire us today.

The first doll in a limited edition series based on artwork of famous artists. Water Lily™ Barbie® doll’s dress features a water lily print with a three-layer ruffle wrapping around it. Translucent beads cascade over her left shoulder and down the front of the gown and her beautiful golden hair is worn in a loose bun with long tendrils. Her hair is also adorned with two pink waterlilies and a colorful blue streak.

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