Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Limited Edition |
Line | Barbie FAO Schwarz Floral Signature Collection |
Exclusivity | FAO Schwarz |
Release Date | 1997 |
Price | ??? |
Designer(s) | ??? |
Face Sculpt | 1991 Mackie |
Body Sculpt | ??? |
Hair Type | ??? |
Hair Color | Blonde |
Eye Color | Green |
SKU | #17556 |
UPC | 074299175565 |
Official Description:
This stunning vision of floral splendor is the second doll in the FAO Schwarz Floral Signature Collection™. Lily Barbie® wears a white silk organza gown with ruffled tiers. A beautiful white silk lily flower with green stem and leaves drapes across the bodice and down the skirt. The white silk organza is accented with rhinestones. Her gloves, earrings, bracelet and white shoes beautifully complete the ensemble. The elaborate detailing and fabric make this doll a must for any collector.
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