Barbie 1997 Great Eras French Lady

Company Mattel
Brand Barbie
Type Collector
Label Collector Edition
Line Great Eras
Character Barbie
Release Date 1/1/1997
Designer(s) Carol Spencer
Face Sculpt ©1976 SuperStar
Body Sculpt TNT with two straight arms
Hair Type N/A
Height 11.5″
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Eyelashes Rooted
UPC 074299167072
Mattel SKU 16707
Price ?
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Product description

“Behold the exquisite French Lady Barbie® doll in a gown that was all the rage in Napoleon’s court. Its empire styling mimics the elongated elegance of a classical Greek column; its predominant color is French blue, a color much favored by royalty in France. The underskirt is dotted with golden fleurs-de-lis, a long-lived symbol of French royalty. French Lady Barbie, from the Great Eras® Collection, has hair gathered into a golden mesh headpiece and her lovely face is trimmed in tiny chestnut curls. Her skin is fair, her eyelashes rooted, while her faux turquoise jewelry complements the French blue of her gown. She truly captures the magnificence of the great Napoleonic Age.” —

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