Doll Description
Feast your eyes on this vision in red. From the Jewel Essence Collection by Bob Mackie comes Ruby Radiance Barbie doll, emitting the glamour, feeling and richness of a beautiful ruby. Each doll in the series is adorned with beautiful Swarovski crystals. She seems to be glowing in a deep, dark, fiery red gown and turban flickering with red crystal rhinestones. With her ruffled boa surrounding her like flames, she is the essence of the warmest jewel of all.
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Line | Jewel Essence |
Label | Gold Label Barbies |
Release Date | 1997 |
Designer(s) | Bob Mackie |
Face Sculpt | Nichelle |
Body Sculpt | Shani |
Price | ???? |
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