1998 Bowling Party Whitney

Sources: Amazon, BarbiePedia, We-R-Toys
Product description
“Whitney doll “Really” Bowls! Bowling lane included!
Bowling is so much fun! Whitney and her friends Stacie and Janet are having a bowling party! Includes everything you need to really bowl!
cool inflatable bowling lane
colorful bowling ball & pins
your own pencil & scorecards
She can really hold her bowling ball! Help Whitney throw a STRIKE!”
This doll includes a paper bowling lane floor, inflatable bowling lane, bowling ball, 6 bowling pins, and a scorecard and small pencil. The dolls cannot actually throw the bowling ball themselves, but can hold the bowling ball in their hands. This line includes 3 dolls: Stacie, Whitney, and Janet.
Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Playline |
Character | Whitney |
Release Date | 1998 |
Face Sculpt | ©1991 Stacie |
Body Sculpt | Stacie |
Hair Type | Unknown |
Height | 7.5″ |
Hair Color | Auburn |
Eye Color | Brown |
UPC | 074299220159 |
Mattel SKU | 22015 |
Price | $12.99 |

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