Barbie 1998 Classic Ballet Series Swan Queen

SeriesClassic Ballet Series
LabelCollector Edition
Release date1998
Face SculptSuperstar
Body Sculpt???
DesignerSharon Zuckerman
Collect item (42)

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The house lights dim. The curtain rises. And the magic of an enchanted swan, a love that overcomes evil and a hauntingly beautiful fairy tale, all come alive in Swan Lake.
The score, written by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, is among the most romantic ever written. First performed in Moscow in 1877, Swan Lake is now one of the world’s most popular ballets.
Swan Lake begins with Prince Siegfried arriving at a silvery lake. As he watches, an exquisite swan alights and turns into the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. It is Odette, the Queen of the Swans. She tells him she is under the spell of an evil sorcerer and that she must remain a swan except between midnight and dawn. The incantation can only be broken if a man loves and marries her and never loves another. Though the sorcerer tricks Siegfried into declaring love for his evil daughter, Odile, the Swan Queen and Siegfried break the spell and are united in happiness forever.
Barbie® doll as the Swan Queen wears an enchanting costume that captures the essence of the magical swan. She sparkles in a tutu of glittering tulle and organza. Her ballet slippers have lace-up ribbons, and with her silvery tiara and delicate fluttering feathers, she almost seems to become the enchanted swan.
Classic Ballet Series™ features classic ballets come to life with Barbie! Play out the story of Swan Lake with your doll or display her on your doll stand. She’s the perfect choice to begin your Barbie doll collection!

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