1998 Club Wedd Barbie (AA)

Sources: Sell4Value, Ubuy India, Ebay Listing

Product description

“Make Club Wedd Barbie a part of a real dream-come-true wedding!

Dear real-life-brides and fiancés: Club Wedd Barbie® doll can be a part of any dream-come-true wedding! The perfect centerpiece for a wedding shower or wedding party. Fantastic gifts for the flower girl or wedding attendants. Something new for the bride.

Register your wedding wish list at your local Target Club Wedd® computer kiosk.”

Club Wedd is a wedding registry service through all Target stores, as of 2024 Club Wedd no longer exists but you can still create an online registry on Target’s website. This Barbie was made in promotion of the service, and is dressed as a bride in a beautiful white gown adorned with pink bows. On the back of the box there are wedding invitations from Barbie & Ken and place cards that you can cut-out. This doll is a Special Edition doll and a Target Exclusive.

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Release Date1998
Face Sculpt©1987 Christie
Body SculptStraight arm
Hair TypeUnknown
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorHazel/Brown
Skin ToneUnknown
Mattel SKU22361

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