1998 Disney’s Animal Kingdom Barbie (AA)

Sources: dzen.ru, Proxibid

Product description

“Barbie is ready to guide you through Disney’s Animal Kingdom, an amazing park that celebrates all kinds of animals from imaginary creatures and beasts from long ago to real-life cuddly critters.

The Tree of Life has over 325 animal “carvings.” Can you find the tiger, gorilla, bison, ram, panther, rhinoceros, and bear?”

This Barbie was made in commemoration of the opening of Disney’s Animal Kingdom Park in Orlando, Florida; which opened to the public in April of 1998. She wears a safari outfit, with the Animal Kingdom logo on the shirt. She also comes with a hat, water canteen, binoculars, and hairbrush. This doll is a Disney Exclusive.

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Release Date1998
Face Sculpt©1990 Nichelle
Body Sculpt©1966 Twist N’ Turn
Hair TypeUnknown
Hair ColorDark Brown
Eye ColorGreen/Brown
Skin ToneUnknown
Mattel SKU20989

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