Barbie 1998 Essence of Nature Water Rhapsody

TypeLimited Edition
LineEssence of Nature Collection
Release Date1998
Face SculptBob Mackie
Body Sculpt???
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBlue
Collect item (30)

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Back of the Box and Official Description:

“…water swirls in a vortex of color…endless shades of blue enhanced with the sunlight sparkling in the seafoam. Suddenly the waves reach the shore and break upon the sand as if in a crescendo of music. The magnificent sound of the Water Rhapsody is heard…”
She stands alongside the ocean, captivated by the magnificent sight and sound of the sea, Barbie doll could be a fantasy vision emerging from the water in her dark blue velvet sheath dress enhanced by a striking “wave” train of iridescent pleated organza with faux pearl and sequin detail. Her intricate scalloped sequin and bead headpiece features clear-beaded tendrils simulating the most artfully delicate sea spray. Her ensemble is complete with white mesh fingerless opera-length gloves and a wide blue bead and sequin choker.
“…the Water Rhapsody enchants her. She begins to dance by the shore in a tribute to the magnificence of nature…and the timeless beauty of the sea…”

First in the Essence of Nature™ Collection inspired by the elements of nature, Water Rhapsody™ Barbie® doll is a fantasy vision emerging from the water in her dark blue velvety sheath dress enhanced by a striking “wave” train of pleated iridescence with faux pearl and sequin detail. Her intricate scalloped sequin and bead headpiece features clear-beaded tendrils replicating the delicate sea spray. Her ensemble is complete with white mesh fingerless opera-length gloves and a wide blue bead and sequin choker.

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