Barbie 1998 Great Fashions of the 20th Century Promenade in the Park

TypeCollector Edition
LineGreat Fashions of the 20th Century
Release Date1998
Face Sculpt1991 Mackie
Body Sculpt???
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorBlue
Collect item (26)

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Back of the Box and Official Description:

It’s the 1910s and women everywhere are changing! They begin to get more involved, going outside of their home lives and families, becoming more concerned with social events. As women change, so do their fashions, as is evident in the lovely Promenade in the Park Barbie doll.
While their stylish suits reflect a more active role, their large and ornate hats show an ever present feminine touch. Hats of this time are almost all uniformly large and brilliantly decorated, often with ribbons and layers of tulle. Almost extravagantly large, Barbie doll’s hat features a black brim and is lavishly adorned with flowers and feathers.
Women’s new active roles in society also control the width of their skirts. As women walk more, join clubs and become more involved, skirts narrow and become more practical. Gone are the large sweeping skirts and hoops of Victorian times. In comes a tailored, slimmer look. A suit is considered to be the perfect ensemble for any women’s club meeting or a stroll through the park on a sunny afternoon.
The high necked blouse is immensely popular. Considered a must for the woman who wears her hair up, a necklace such as Barbie doll’s double strand of faux pearls accents both the high collar of her blouse and her pretty face.
With her decorative parasol, she is a woman of style and substance. Promenade in the Park Barbie is the first in a series of dolls that highlights women and fashion through the decades.

Fresh from an elegant stroll over sun-dappled greens comes Promenade in the Park™ Barbie® doll from the Great Fashions of the 20th Century Collection. This collection celebrates the styles and trends that have characterized specific decades of this century. Barbie® doll is alluring in this slim silhouette costume from the 1910s. Her cropped jacket is worn over a white turtleneck blouse and is decorated with black trim. Attached to the jacket is a matching two-layer skirt and a sash is around her waist. Completing the authentic outfit is a large black hat with feathers and a parasol to match the outfit.

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