Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector Edition |
Line | The Nursery Rhyme Collection |
Release Date | 1999 |
Price | ??? |
Designer(s) | ??? |
Face Sculpt | Bob Mackie |
Body Sculpt | Twist n Turn, Shani arms |
Hair Type | ??? |
Hair Color | Brown |
Eye Color | Blue |
SKU | #21740 |
UPC | 074299217401 |
Back of the Box and Official Description:
Barbie had a little lamb,
It’s fleece was white as snow
And everywhere that Barbie went
The lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day
Which was against the rule;
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher sent it out
But still it waited near
And stood there patiently about
Till Barbie did appear.
‘Why does the lamb love Barbie so?’
The eager children cry;
‘Why, Barbie loves the lamb you know,’
The teacher did reply.
Come with Barbie in this famous nursery rhyme as she and her little white lamb go off to school. Look, you can see the school and other children in the distance. Barbie looks so pretty in her enchanting outfit and spectator shoes. Her adorable blue satin jacket is trimmed in lace and has pearly buttons that match her jewelry. Her overskirt has a pretty pink ribbon bow that matches the bow on her jacket. And even her little lamb has a pink bow! No wonder Barbie doll’s lamb loves her so.
Barbie Had a Little Lamb premieres a very special collection of favorite children’s nursery rhymes, featuring the timeless characters children have loved for generations. Celebrate the joy of childhood and bring back wonderful memories with Barbie in The Nursery Rhyme Collection.
Barbie® Doll Had a Little Lamb looks as sweet as the nursery rhyme that inspired her. She wears an adorable blue satin jacket with pearly buttons and matching jewelry, a two-tiered skirt with a pretty pink bow that matches the bows on her jacket. Even her little lamb has a pink bow!
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