TypeCollector Edition
LineCity Seasons Collection
Release Date1999
DesignerRobert Best
Face SculptMackie
Body SculptTwist n Turn, Shani arms
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBrown, Red
Eye ColorGreen
Collect item (4)

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Back of the Box:

City Seasons is a very special collection of dolls in exciting, contemporary fashions. With all the realism and fashion details you love, the collection features Barbie in a fascinating city each season wearing a stunning outfit that epitomizes the beauty of that time of year.
It’s half past four and the promise of rain lingers behind the London fog as Barbie heads on foot to a gallery. She could have easily taken the ‘Tube’, but simply could not resist an invigorating walk in the cool, crisp air – especially after having her fill of shortbread cookies, crumpets and steaming hot tea at a lovely café in Picadilly Circus. Suddenly a gentle, misty rain begins to fall. Barbie smiles to herself, knowing she will stay warm in her overcoat, boots, and beret, and perfectly dry under the umbrella she almost forgot to bring.

Stock Description:

Barbie doll welcomes the London fog and soft mist reminiscent of this grand city. Under the warmth of her lined, full-length plaid raincoat is a classic top and skirt — always stylish no matter what the weather. The beret-style hat she wears completes her fashionable look and an “umbrella” helps keep her outfit dry.

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