Barbie 1999 Essence of Nature Whispering Wind

TypeLimited Edition
LineEssence of Nature Collection
Release Date1999
Face SculptBob Mackie
Body Sculpt???
Hair Type???
Hair ColorBlonde, Platinum Blonde, Blue, Purple, Lilac
Eye ColorBlue
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Back of the Box and Official Description:

“…barely a breeze, the wind whispers softly to the trees, rustling leaves and blowing faint whisps of clouds across the sky in pale blues and lilac. Then the wind shifts and frolics…dancing about playfully…tossing the rainbow from cloud to cloud and shaking the world out of sleep…”
Barbie doll is dreaming that she lifts her arms to catch the wind in her long chiffon sash. A beautiful white dove alights on her before taking flight. Barbie seems both real and fantasy in her flowing gown flickering with iridescent stars and sparkling sequins. Her sky-blue and lilac skirt seems to swirl around her like the wind. Her long, platinum hair, streaked in lilac and soft blue, blows to one side.
“…enchanted, she watches the white bird, glistening in the warm sun, soar out of sight, riding the wind currents with effortless grace and freedom. She is fascinated by the majesty and endless beauty of nature…”

Second in the Essence of Nature™ Collection, Whispering Wind™ Barbie® doll is a whirlwind of beauty. Fashioned in a fantasy garment reminiscent of a blustery breeze, her taffeta skirt features a liquid palette of sky blue and lilac hues swirling about. Her pleated bodice is printed in matching fluid tones and embellished with sparkling sequins. Attached to the dress is a sequined chiffon sash that flows to one side as though it’s swaying in a gentle breeze. Whispering Wind™ Barbie® doll’s long platinum blonde hair — tastefully tinted with tiny strands of lilac and blue — gracefully gusts to one side, while she holds a white dove in one hand.

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