Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector Edition |
Line | Great Fashions of the 20th Century |
Release Date | 1999 |
Price | ??? |
Designer(s) | ??? |
Face Sculpt | 1991 Mackie |
Body Sculpt | ??? |
Hair Type | ??? |
Hair Color | Blonde, Platinum Blonde |
Eye Color | Blue |
SKU | #21531 |
UPC | 074299215315 |
Back of the Box and Official Description:
It was a time of change and challenge. The 1930s saw the stock market crash, unemployment, wars and dust storms. Yet during these years, great social and economic reforms were made, and the silver screen produced famous matinee idols as movies became one of the few affordable diversions. Attitudes had changed and fashions reflected this, as stepping out became a very special occasion to dress up in one’s finest clothes.
During this decade, a smart appearance was very important. For almost every occasion, women wore hats, often rakishly tilted, and gloves. Gone was the short bob and boyish look of the flapper. Women now favored more feminine clothes often cut on the bias to emphasize a slim, elegant line. Hemlines descended below the knee, sometimes flaring at the bottom on evening gowns like the one worn by Steppin’ Out Barbie doll.
In her striking gown with a black and silvery bodice, Steppin’ Out Barbie epitomizes the glamour of the 1930s. With flowing chiffon-and-marabou stole and long black evening gloves, she sweeps into a grand hotel, with a tuxedoed gentleman, or dances across the silver screen with her favorite partner in a light-hearted musical.
Her art deco-and-rhinestone jewelry sparkle under the grand chandeliers. Her eyes are lined, and her lips are red as cherries against her pale skin and platinum hair. She is a vision of loveliness. Is she real, or just a fantasy who keeps the dream alive in a turbulent decade!
Steppin’ Out Barbie is the third in a series of dolls highlighting women and the fashions they wore through the decades.
Steppin’ Out® Barbie® doll, third in a series of dolls highlighting fashions through the decades, recalls the glamorous look from the 1930s. With her cherry-red lips, pale skin and platinum hair, Barbie® doll epitomizes that glamour in a striking black and silvery mermaid-style gown with art deco pins on the bodice, true to the style of that time. A flowing black chiffon and white marabou stole, long black evening gloves, and silver rhinestone jewelry provide the finishing touches to her nostalgic look.
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