Company | Mattel |
Brand | Barbie |
Type | Collector Edition |
Line | A Garden of Flowers |
Release Date | 1999 |
Price | ??? |
Designer(s) | ??? |
Face Sculpt | Bob Mackie |
Body Sculpt | ??? |
Hair Type | ??? |
Hair Color | Strawberry Blonde, Red, Blonde |
Eye Color | Brown, Hazel, Green |
SKU | #22337 |
UPC | 074299223372 |
Back of the Box and Official Description:
Welcome to A Garden of Flowers, an exciting collection featuring Barbie in different outfits inspired by the beauty and irresistible charm of flowers. The first Barbie doll in this series celebrates the rose, the most popular flower in the world and often called “The Queen of Flowers.”
No flower is closer to the human heart than the beautiful rose. Loved and cherished throughout time, the rose has been a favorite of poets, kings, goddesses and countries. With its wonderful variety of colors, sizes and fragrance, it’s no wonder that the rose is the most popular flower in the world.
And so it is appropriate that a rose is the flower named for Barbie. Dressed to celebrate the occasion, your Rose Barbie doll wears an exquisite pink gown accented with roses. Large two-tone ribbon clusters resembling roses decorate her sleeves, while a pretty lace panel highlights the satin bodice. Her rose print skirt has a charming white lace overskirt and a pale green sash tied at her waist. She carries a single pink “rosebud” with ribbon streamers. Her long, strawberry blond hair has a band of rosey pink and pale green ribbons. Rose Barbie is truly as fresh and beautiful as the special rose named for her.
Roses have been named for queens and presidents. Now, there’s a rose for Barbie! To celebrate Barbie doll’s 40th Anniversary, a beautiful pink miniature rose has been commissioned in her honor from Jackson & Perkins, the world’s largest annual plant producer of roses. It is officially named the Barbie rose.
First in a series celebrating the beauty of flowers, Rose Barbie® doll is as lovely as the flower she represents dressed in a pink taffeta gown, accented with rose motif details. A lovely lace front panel accents the pink bodice and two-tone ribbon clusters of roses sit atop each sleeve. Her rose patterned pink taffeta underskirt is covered by a white lace overskirt. She wears a “pearl” choker, and a braided “pearl” pink and green headband in her long curly strawberry blond hair. In her hand she holds a Barbie® doll size rose with ribbon streamers.
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