Barbie 1999 Timeless Sentiments Angel of Peace

LabelCollector Edition
LineTimeless Sentiments
Release DateJanuary 1, 1999
Face Sculpt©1991 Mackie
Body SculptTNT with two straight arms
Hair TypeN/A
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBlue
Mattel SKU24240
Price$49.98 USD
Collect item (42)

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“Second in the enchanting Timeless Sentiments™ Collection of angels comes Angel of Peace™ Barbie® doll, bringing a gentle reminder that peace is hidden in every moment if only we will be still and discover it. Irresistible in a heavenly blue gown, her angel wings seem to reflect the golden light of an early morning sunrise. Poised in grace and tranquility, Angel of Peace Barbie® can serve as a reminder to seek peace and calm wherever she is displayed.” –

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