2000 Avon Ballet Masquerade Barbie (AA)

Sources: Sell4Value, Ebay Listing, Another Ebay Listing, Etsy Listing

Product description

“ACT 1

Barbie, the prima ballerina, makes her entrance onto the stage with a grande jete, a dramatic leap into the air. Her movements mirror the grace of a brilliant bird in flight, capturing the excitement and energy of nature. She alights upon the stage, and glides through the crowd. Her face is hidden behind the delicate mask she holds. The other dancers turn toward her as if to ask, “Who is this lovely one?” Her spectacular costume embellished with soft feathers and shimmery brocaded bodice with rich colors reflects the dazzling beauty of nature.”

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Release Date2000
Face Sculpt1990 Asha
Body SculptUnknown
Hair TypeUnknown
Hair ColorDark Brown
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ToneUnknown
Mattel SKU29386

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